Master baiter

Finally! A bit of time to blog. For the past month, I’ve been splitting my time between work and thesis writing. And boy that wasn’t a pleasant experience at all on so many levels. I remember the pressures of writing my undergraduate thesis (gaining 20 lbs...

More idiot than savant

Part of the tasks of descriptive linguistics is to seek out patterns which shouldn’t be that much of an effort since humans are said to be innately equipped with capacities to seek out patterns. And the task seems to be easier with analytic languages like...

How does one delimit a blog post?

Quite a lot of students are working on blogs for their term papers and even undergraduate thesis. Those would include me, since I’m working on a critical discourse analysis of the Philippine blogosphere (particularly the discourse of the de la Paz-Pangandaman...

Ready… Set… Write!

As of today, I am embarking on the second longest writing work of my life – my graduate thesis. My undergraduate thesis was a critical discourse analysis of the Inquirer’s representations of Fernando Poe Jr. in its editorials. It was a fun topic to write...

With great power…

…comes great chances of messing things up. Never mind if I’m actually a rookie but I sat as a panel member for the defense of three undergraduate theses done by seniors. And I’d have to say it really feels different being on the other side of the...