Failing critical discourse

Failing critical discourse

All that noise about Pacquiao probably wouldn’t die soon. Too bad in the midst of all of this, a lot is happening beyond a boxer’s unenlightened comments and the hate it stirred. In my circle of literary people, here’s what has happened just in the...

Master baiter

Finally! A bit of time to blog. For the past month, I’ve been splitting my time between work and thesis writing. And boy that wasn’t a pleasant experience at all on so many levels. I remember the pressures of writing my undergraduate thesis (gaining 20 lbs...

How does one delimit a blog post?

Quite a lot of students are working on blogs for their term papers and even undergraduate thesis. Those would include me, since I’m working on a critical discourse analysis of the Philippine blogosphere (particularly the discourse of the de la Paz-Pangandaman...

Critical discourse analysis and blogging

Hmm… Why have I not thought about it? Okay. I have graduate with a BA in English Studies: Language from UP focusing on Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as an attempt to specialization. A few professors thought (I hope they still think) that my undergraduate...