
Just some reflections on stuff I’ve been busy on. Maybe it’s high time for me to put up my own management/marketing/business development blog. On management It’s always about people. No amount of book-reading will able to substitute for the things...

Hakuna matata

I really admire how Hyundai made a killing in the US market mostly through clever marketing techniques. Offer a buyback option without impact on credit score to car buyers who are to lose jobs after the purchase during the recession? Gutsy and risky for the company...

Attention to details and compromise while job hunting

Details. Details. Details. Can’t emphasize this enough. A few of my acquaintances who have just recently graduated are wondering why getting a job suddenly became so tough compared to how graduates from last year had it. Well, for one, the global economy is...

What is in it for me?

As far as organizational communication goes, this is one question that many a communicator should always take into account. Place oneself into the target audience’s shoes and ask, “What’s in it for me?” Whenever I teach business communication,...

Steak and strippers

Bryan (who happens to have finally launched Constant Random Change) and I have been discussing all sorts of things from technology to business. One points of our discussion was this observation on management and the technology business by former Ruby on Rails hacker...