It’s been three months since I’ve said my token goodbyes to some very good friends from my old work. I’ve finally quit the old job after spending nearly a decade associated with them. It seems like I’m well on my way dissociating myself from education too. It’s been three years since I’ve taken on any teaching load. Due to some limitations on my end, it’s most likely that I’m closing my doors to that part of my life as well.

I quit the old job thinking that I’d just take a break. It was a toss up between pursuing writing again or starting to dabble in entrepreneurship (in what business, I have yet to figure out). What’s sure was I needed a break. I guess I’ve never truly recovered from the horrors of last year (though until today, I’m oftentimes cranky because of them).

But sometimes opportunities just present themselves. I got word that Jojo’s company was looking for people and there was opportunity for me. I figured . And it’s in a different industry so offered something fresh. In the very least, I’d be working alongside one of the most creative people I know (a definite change from my old work). And a paycheck’s hard to resist either.

So I’m in the game development industry now. I know it’s a very rough and tumble and very ruthless industry that a paycheck may not be as steady as I would want. But it’s something new and something that interests me.

As with what the old super sentai episodes would show…



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