Business sure know how to sucker punch you. I just noticed that Globelines is offering much cheaper rates for new broadband subscribers. My Php 1995 2 Mbps plan and landline is now only Php 1295.

Thinking it’s unfair, I called up Globelines to see what they plan to do for existing subscribers. Continuing to charge Php 1995 for a Php 1295 is just plain robbery. Thing is, no automatic billing downgrades will be made for existing customers.

If you want to avail of the lower rates, you need to pay Php 550 if you’re still within a lock-in period and a new 1-year lock-in period will be made in addition to the documents you need to sign at their business center.

In my opinion, that Php 550 is still plain robbery. But that Php 550 and lock-in period reset is surely better than paying Php 700 more a month. Especially since I’ve renewed my lease contract for another year. The deal would still bring in Php 7850 in savings for the year. Still, damn them for the Php 550 charge for the downgrade!

Note: This is just according to a Globelines customer support agent. But you can visit your Globelines business center for more details.

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