I haven’t really tried using my camera for anything else than a few test shots here and there. But so far, I’ve clocked around 424 shots already and most of them are crap. Here are a few of my attempts at using this contraption. And yes, I suck. At least that means I still could get better. I hope.

Now on with the crap.

Hinog, Hilaw

Some random vegetation from the backyard.

Random Bird

Too bad I wasn’t quick enough to get a shot of this bird with its head slightly turned. Now, it’s all talikodgenic.


Some random flower. Pathetic attempt at getting a bokeh effect with a point and shoot.


I kind of love using the sky as a backdrop. Unfortunately, there isn’t too many interesting subjects in our backyard.


A vase. Oh man, look at the framing and composition. Horrible!

Self Portrait Blue Color Accent

And a gratuitous self-portrait using the color accent setting. Probably the worst shot of all.

Anyway, I swore that I wouldn’t be GAS-ing for more equipment for this camera. Well, I shouldn’t have but I did spend a few things like a bigger camera bag and some extra rechargeable batteries for the trip to Bolinao.

I also got to spend on a spare UV filter since I thought I wrecked my Hoya HMC UV filter. Those darned things are just too hard too clean. Lens cleaners and solutions didn’t work. Then I tried using all-natural baby wipes (non-alcohol and water-based) and the damn thing is now clean, clear and streak free. At least I now have a spare filter. I swear that should be my last expense for this thing.

A bit of paranoia though as always. I tried securing an extended warranty for the camera, unfortunately Canon’s program can only be availed by original purchasers of the product. So that meant, I can only max the 6 or so months left in the original warranty. Now compound that with the issue that Canon pegs 10,000 shots for the S5 IS’ life span (and the guy from whom I bought it says he already did around 3,500 shots…) and I might be looking at some shot management and OC-driven maintenance. Though many swear that they’ve taken more than 50,000 shots with theirs and they still work fine.

I just hope I can get some decent mileage on this one. Must last me for a couple of years, I pray. Enough spending on toys. Must get my spending priorities straight yet again.

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