It’s just a few minutes since I arrived home from UP. For some reason, I feel like I’m in some intra-campus tour since I’ve been “booked” to have a few speaking engagements. Last week, I held a talk on resume writing for students from the School of Statistics (Stat). This morning, I had a talk on organization building for my former organization. Next week, I’ve been invited to give another seminar for the National College for Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG).

Now a few interesting thoughts regarding all of those.

The one I did for Stat was more of a favor for some of my bibo students from last semester. Well, in all honesty, they got me to agree with all their bola of how they enjoyed the class they took under me and how they learned a lot. Hehe. Praise (flattery?) can surely hit home real good. Anyway, my mentor has taught me to make students my responsibility so I obliged. It was a great experience anyway and I’ve got some great feedback from what I did.

This morning, I was with the UP Anime Manga Enthusiasts to do a talk about project management in a university organization and critic their practices in going about their duties.

This is leading me to think that I have a knack for this. Doing talks and seminars isn’t really alien to me since I’ve been all over the country (well, Luzon, at least) doing these things. But for some reason I am enjoying it more than teaching (that is, being inside the classroom and dealing with bratty kids). And it’s pretty much like doing LifeSpy (at least those concerning productivity and career) but only in person. Hmm….


Now my being with UP AME’s organization-building seminar is quite a shock for few since they’ve known me to not give a squat about that org even if I am one of its former presidents. I have to admit that I’ve really lost interest in it especially when some of my enemies in there pretty much spun everything so that over the years I wasn’t there, my reputation has been ground to mush. Never mind if I established a lot of the good traditions that they are still doing up to now and that my term as president was the time when we’ve finally made a name for the organization (not to mention be the first term to actually turn over a lot of money).

Though many of my friends have put it in perspective – that most of them idiots are/will be gone anyway so why even bear a grudge on the org itself? Yeah, I have to admit that it’s a pretty sensible thing to do. But once burnt twice shy seems to apply to me. I obliged mainly because it serves me a purpose – I am constantly testing my skills and I was operating on my responsibility as an educator. I know I can always claim ascendancy over a lot of things over these kids anyway.

If they still believe all the stuff those idiots told them about me then I pity such idiocy. And I can live with the fact that I am a very polar interpersonally. Either you love me or you hate me. If it’s the latter, I don’t really care.

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