What can I say about the last minute roster shuffling? Not much. There weren’t any too big trades to .

Well for one, the Chicago Bulls really, made the push with the trade of Ben Gordon and Luol Deng to the Memphis Grizzlies for Pau Gasol. So far, everyone in the Bulls seemed mediocre with no one racking up close to 30 PPG. That said so much about them as a team, how they share the ball, and how everyone just practically contributes.

The Bulls do need a big man up front as Ben Wallace didn’t last too long being unhealthy for the good part of the season. This would give Kirk Hinrich some room to shine but as far as I see, it’d be a two-man game in Chicago.

Anyway, the Jason Kidd trade didn’t push through. Phoenix could have used his playmaking ability with MVP Steve Nash suffering a bad back.

So as far as the East is concerned it seems like Detroit got the most out of getting Chris Webber. Now Webber’s getting old but you can’t deny that he’s one of the best big man passers in the league. He can still extend the defense with an outside touch. So that’d mean more space for the Detroit guards to operate.

So duds are duds. Jason Kidd will remain with a non-contender team. LeBron James will not get the point guard that he needs. And most of the better players that deserve some playoff runs will not get there.

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