

Nagising ako kahapon ng madaling araw. Tiningnan ko ang telepono at nakitang umaapaw ang Facebook at Twitter ng notifications. Puno ng posts at tweets mula sa mga kaibigan at dating propesor. Nasusunog ang Faculty Center at mukhang malubha. Tila matutupok at magiging...
Failing critical discourse

Failing critical discourse

All that noise about Pacquiao probably wouldn’t die soon. Too bad in the midst of all of this, a lot is happening beyond a boxer’s unenlightened comments and the hate it stirred. In my circle of literary people, here’s what has happened just in the...

Near perfect

I seldom acknowledge my students in this blog since I usually stereotype them as spoiled brats who never displayed the academic rigor expected of UP students. However, I have to hand it to John Gabriel Pelias – my former English 1 student and the valedictorian...

Soul searching

One of the huge reasons why I’ve become so jaded teaching in UP is the shifting demographics of the student population. Usually, a discussion of starting salary’s one of the most interesting portions of my English 30 class. Everyone was keen on sharing...

Honors inflation

It’s graduation time once again and I wonder how many kids will be walking tall just because they’d be graduating cum laude or its higher variants. This might be a bit of sourgraping but it seems that it’s just so easy to get honors these days. The...