Preparation and pragmatism

Preparation and pragmatism

Why do schools and teachers opt for externally-developed curricula and materials? It’s mainly a preference of ease. Much is demanded of teachers in the Philippines both public and private. Aside from the actual handling of their classes (which have to...

Basic IT as GE course

I’m getting sick and tired of the “excuse,” “Kaya nga ako nag-English” as an excuse not to know basic math concepts and technology concepts. I’ve been involved in IT education as writer, editor, trainer and consultant largely...

Focus on basic education

Our educational system needs a revamp and fixing it by adding another year to college education is not the way to go. Writing as a person who has taught college freshman courses, I can readily tell that the problem is not with college education but with the 10 years...

With great power…

…comes great chances of messing things up. Never mind if I’m actually a rookie but I sat as a panel member for the defense of three undergraduate theses done by seniors. And I’d have to say it really feels different being on the other side of the...