Controlling the urge

Oh boy. When I do get into a spending streak, I tend to get on a roll. I’m proud though that my number-crunching has kept my spending still below my monthly earnings. There’s probably only a few people who could beat my compulsion when it comes to...

Profit and loss

The span of April to June mark the biggest spending months that I’ve had for the past couple of years. A couple of years ago, I emptied my accounts for our mom’s funeral. Last year, it was that short beach vacation. This year, it’s the house and the...

PayPal restored my account

After two sleepless nights of thinking whether my hard-earned money will end up with PayPal, I finally got my answer. They restored my account’s functionality. $715 is worth 3 months’ salary in UP, poor us minimum wage teachers. Now I can try to sleep,...

Oh yes, I do bother myself with Capitalism

Okay, after that brief rant, let me do something that I haven’t really done – do some commentary over a few things (just like what I really intended to do with this blog). A few things to be covered in this post – dollar woes and putting up...