The prices of gas (and a crappy car) and weekend dates

I just can believe how expensive everything is nowadays. I was cleaning my desk a couple of days ago and stumbled upon an old Shell receipt with the price per liter of their then flagship fuel Velocity was Php 16 per liter. Php 16!!! Those were the times when me and...


The one reason why I didn’t believe in sending your car (especially if it’s a used car aging gracefully) to the dealership for repairs is the cost. For me, that was the sole reason why I avoided bringing our old Corolla to Toyota even if the dealership was...

Yeah, it’s a car blog – AutoJab

Dimaks guessed it right off the bat. I’ve been working on a car blog – AutoJab. AutoJab’s another Bloggy Network blog and I’m taking over it as site editor/lead blogger (Heck, I’m the only one working on it now). And I’m loving it....