Tunnel of uncertainty

Tunnel of uncertainty

Here’s the context. A project’s deadline is being moved up and it was decided that more of the shared resources (artists) will be  shifted to work on it. Another project is ongoing but it only demands a couple of days a week of select people. A project...
Trial by wombat

Trial by wombat

I really find it amusing to hear stories of people losing it at work. Table flipping episodes and berserker breakdowns are quite rare. I personally have yet to witness such outbursts. I’ve seen shouting matches, finger pointing, and cursing but no violence yet....
Performance is punishment

Performance is punishment

It’s quite funny how these “principles” seem to work every damn time. Take the Pareto principle for example. For those unfamiliar, it’s the principle that states 80% of effects comes from 20% of causes. In business, this translates to 80% of...


The idea of being prim and proper as a “professional” can be overrated. Given all my interactions with so-called professionals, those who display such prim and proper demeanor have a tendency to be boring. Personally, I have tempered my expectations of...
Suicides and transitions

Suicides and transitions

I’ve often been asked by friends and family that given all my (supposed) smarts, why wasn’t I working for large multinationals where I probably would be in a senior position raking in the big bucks. Once in a while, I do get bothered by those quips since I...

Assessing your skills portfolio

I’ve been recently mulling over some new learning project that I can work on to further improve my skills portfolio. My current work doesn’t really provide any training so I’m pretty much left to my own devices. There’s quite a lot of...